A question about CS 1.6 (link problem) (20pts)

2007-08-03 5:01 am
My CS 1.6 is not a real one, I downloaded it from the internet. My friend got the some one as me. We are not able to link play with each other. Is there any way to link play, e.g. use wire to connect two computer?... Is there any website povide a version that can link play? Plz help. If there are any way, plz explain in details.

回答 (1)

2007-08-03 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may go to
to download "vLan ".
vLan can act as a platform for players to play CS on it.

The download process is: ***Please ask your friend also do the following steps.***
http://www.ipve.com/bbs/index.php -->

"註冊 " to register as a member (to use vLan to play CS) -->

"同 意(9) " wait until the number disappear, then click it -->

Then fill in the blanks.
(uppest: User name --> password --> confirm password --> e-mail[have to be Hotmail] --> MSN[can be left out] --> copy the red words [IPvE.COM vLan 互聯對戰論壇] and fill in it --> choose [IPvE.COM vLan 互聯對戰論壇] --> click "提交 " to submit) -->

Click "新聞公告 & 軟件發布 " -->

"vLan.x86 Vista 版本測試版下載 " (if you are using windows vista) or
"vLan 2500 正式版 [4月29日更新] " (if you are using other windows)
(If you are using vista, there would be a movie clip to show you how to install vLan.)
(If you have chosen vLan 2500, there would be a english version) -->

After installing, please open vLan. -->

Login with the User name and password that you have registered in the forum. -->

Choose "FPS " on the left-hand column and select CS v1.6 01 or CS v1.6 02. -->
***Please ask your friend choose the same one as you have chosen***

Then you may open your CS. -->

Find "Lan " or "Lan game " / "New game " (I'm playing the chinese version so i don't know the exact names, but that would be somthing like that .But please one of you choose "new game " to become the server. Another please wait until the game has opened and then choose "Lan " or "Lan game " and find the name your friend are using in CS) -->

Then you two can play together. =]

***If you can't see your friend's server, you may try to reverse that you open the server.
***Or maybe you've open the anti-virus or firewall or something like that which sometimes make you can't open server.
***You two may go to the same server that opened by other people to play too.

2007-08-04 17:22:30 補充:
之前果D下載安裝ge野應該唔洗教la裝左vLan之後請用之前在vLan論壇register ge account 登入 vLan在左邊選擇 射擊遊戲(FPS)然後係右邊搵番CS v1.6會有01區同02區, 請你和你朋友選擇同一區進入進入成功之後就可以開啟CS由這裡開始你們兩個要做的事會有不同, 以A和B代表A:按 新遊戲 -- 設定你要設ge野B:等A成功開始遊戲, 按尋找伺服器, 找出A的伺服器, 按加入遊戲(連接)如果B看不到A的伺服器, 可以兌換角色(A,B) 或兩人選擇同一個由別人開的伺服器

2007-08-06 09:19:57 補充:
B:等A成功開始遊戲, 在Lan尋找伺服器, 多按refresh刷新&改filter ping 為 no, 找出A的伺服器, 按加入遊戲(連接)
參考: I assume that you don' t know chinese- -

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