理學士, 就好似唔係咁, 有分科先入去~
至於文學士同社會科學士, 第一年係要讀一0的faculty 0既basic course, 冇major分, 第二年先揀major, 不過你自己要諗定揀乜major, 因為有0的Yr.1 basic course一定要讀0左先可以major~ (不過... Yr.2 可以補讀, 但要問過faculty)~
通常揀major都唔會睇CE/AL成績, 但translate就會睇AL UE, 同埋translate係有quota~
我本身係BA人, 揀major好自由, 到Yr.3 最後一個sem你都仲可以改major/minor~
soci 0個邊我唔係太清楚你可唔可major geog, 不過一定可以min, 你可以問清楚faculty或者睇hand book (都係問好0的, hand book有時好難睇得明, soci faculty 0的人都好似幾好, BA faculty 0的人好惡, 而且有時會答錯你0野.......)
你有乜想知可以問我, 睇下我幫唔幫到你~
咦?? 但唔係喎, geog會轉去soci faculty喎!!! 即係你可以major geog~
"The new cohorts of BSocSc, BA and BSc Year 1 students (2007-08) can study Geography as majors when they proceed to second year in 2008-09 and graduate with the respective honours degree. The only difference is that BSocSc students can choose to be single or double major in Geography, whereas the BA and BSc could only become double major in Geography. (See Question 3 below.)"