
2007-08-03 1:33 am
仲有, 我地想去利物浦個足球場, 有冇其他景點好介紹?

回答 (2)

2007-08-03 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there,

係咪一定要係london轉機? --> yes.

知唔知邊度有平機票連酒店package? --> You can try http://www.easyjet.co.uk. They offers budget flights from London to Liverpool.

For Flight and Hotel package: http://holidays.easyjet.com/

A place places you can consider:

The Beatles Story
A multilingual audio tour, guides visitors through The Beatles Story, from their early days in Hamburg through to their international superstardom.

Liverpool Cathedral
The largest Anglican Cathedral in Britain offers great panoramic views from the top of the tower. The church contains the largest organ in the UK and the heaviest bell in the world.

Albert Dock
Originally built in 1846 as the first enclosed non-combustible dock warehouse system in the world. Today the docks house a museum, several bars and restaurants and many shops.

Tate Liverpool
One of the largest galleries of modern and contemporary art outside of London.

The Walker Museum
Founded by local brewer Andrew Barclay Walker in 1877, and houses a fine collection of sculptures and paintings dating back to 1300 through to the present day.

Liverpool FC Museum and Stadium Tour
A must see for all football fans.

See http://holidays.easyjet.com/Destination.aspx?code=LPL for more details.
參考: Myself + Web
2010-04-26 3:37 pm
did you know british are full of nasty religious extremist catholic and muslim islamic INDIAN -- study next to you and wanna to screw you around ?

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