
2007-08-03 1:18 am
P/T=C 個C係唔係constant咁解? T又點解?temperature?


回答 (1)

2007-08-03 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
there is a pressure law sates that the pressure P of a fixed gas at constant volume varies linearly to the temperature T of the gas in 'C

it means that when you trap a certain amount of gas in a box, if you heat it up, the pressure increases.

P varies directly to T (in K or 'C)

maths tips: you can express it as P = kT , where k is the variation constant

re-arranging, you get P/T = k

you know what does it mean?
1)when T increases, the pressure inside the box increases

you must make it clear that some condition is required to use this law.
i) no external force ii)no fixed volume iii)no change of state

i guess you know the fact that P increases, b.p. will be higher

2007-08-02 19:02:23 補充:
sorry, not ii)no fixed volume the volume must be fixed
參考: me

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