
2007-08-03 12:00 am
for all more each once allowed up most
(1)___________student is given a set of 10 pictures .When the teacher says"You may
start now",students are(2)______________to look at the pictures.They must write down
a correct word(3)_____________each pictures on a separate answer sheet.When the
teacher says time is(4)______________,students must give their answer sheets to the
teacher at(5)____________.

回答 (9)

2007-08-03 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Each
(2) allow
(3) for
(4) up
(5) once

2007-08-02 20:23:39 補充:
(2) allowed
2007-08-03 1:10 am
(1) EACH student is given a set of 10 pictures .When the teacher says"You may
start now",students are (2) ALLOWED to look at the pictures.They must write down
a correct word (3) FOR each pictures on a separate answer sheet.When the
teacher says time is (4) UP students must give their answer sheets to the
teacher at (5) ONCE .
參考: 我係做補習架 =)
2007-08-03 12:50 am
(1) Each
(2) allowed
(3) for
(4) up
(5) once
參考: me
2007-08-03 12:34 am
1) A
2) needed
3) at
4) up
5) once

英文選擇題點解冇選擇揀??? A B C D

2007-08-02 16:37:10 補充:
1) 應該係 Each
2007-08-03 12:20 am
1. each
參考: me
2007-08-03 12:17 am
each allowed for up, once
參考: Me
2007-08-03 12:13 am
(2)allowed up
2007-08-03 12:06 am
(1)(Each)student is given a set of 10 pictures .When the teacher says"You may
start now",students are(2)(allowed)to look at the pictures.They must write down
a correct word(3) (for) each pictures on a separate answer sheet.When the
teacher says time is(4)(up),students must give their answer sheets to the
teacher at(5)(once).
2007-08-03 12:06 am
其實d answers 有好多選擇,我以下舉的是一例:

1) Each
2) required
3) in
4) up
5) once
參考: I am an English teacher.

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