
2007-08-02 11:28 pm
There are 3 rods are to be cut into equal pieces.The 3 rods's length is 201cm,168cm and 140cm.

(a) Find the greatest possible length of each piece.
(b) Find the total number of pieces cut from 3 rods.


回答 (2)

2007-08-03 6:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) We will find the HCF of the 3 numbers. First, rewrite them into index form,
210 = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7
168 = 2^3 * 3 * 7
140 = 2^2 * 5 * 7
Picking common terms, we get HCF = 2 * 7 = 14
The greatest possible length of each piece is 14 cm, where the 210cm rod can be cut into 210/14 = 15 pieces, and 12 and 10 pieces for 168cm and 140cm rods respectively.

b) From part a), the total number of pieces is (210 + 168 + 140) / 14 = 37
2007-08-02 11:46 pm
應該用 HCF 來計, 但201, 168, 140除了 1 之外沒有其他

如果 210, 168, 140
a) using HCF method
found the HCF of 210cm, 168cm & 140cm is 7cm

the length of each piece is 7cm

b) the total number of pieces
=210/7 + 168/7 + 140/7
=30 + 24 + 20

Find the total number of pieces cut from 3 rods are 74 pieces

2007-08-02 16:25:31 補充:

2007-08-03 11:40:34 補充:
Sorry!a) The HCF of 210cm, 168cm & 140cm is14cm

2007-08-03 11:41:37 補充:
b) the total number of pieces=210/14 + 168/14 + 140/14=15 + 12 + 10=37

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