我想問大家知唔知too many同too much點樣分辨?

2007-08-02 7:24 pm
大家最好俾埋D例題啦!Thank You!!!

回答 (2)

2007-08-02 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實「too many」同「too much」都係解「太多」
就會用「too many」
係字典會出現 [C] 字樣
e.g. There are too many books(Countable) to read.

就會用「Too much」
係字典會出現 [U] 字樣
e.g. I have too much homework(uncountable)
最常見係「money」, uncountable
所以 Mary has too much money.
參考: 自己
2007-08-02 7:53 pm
too much ~~係講數唔到既野 (uncountable)
e.g. She drinks too much water. OR She eats too much chocolate.

chocolate 可以變成數到(countable),如果將之變為a bar of chocolate (一排朱古力) OR a box of chocolates (一盒朱古力).

*a box of chocolates 中的chocolates 表示唔同種類的朱古力,如果要講同一種類的盒裝朱古力, 就會講two boxes of chocolates, three bars of chocolates.

總之too much 就係講一些數唔到既東西.

too many ~~就係相反講數到的

e.g. He bought too many apples for me yesterday. OR He owns too many cars.

其實有”s”就表示數到的眾數, 可以用too many, 但唔係個個countable noun 都有s.

e.g. Staff (職員),這是可數的, 但眾數時係唔會有s的.

你亦要睇清楚有s既noun會唔會上述既那些加了(a box of.....)而由uncountable to countable.

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