
2007-08-02 8:34 am

回答 (3)

2007-08-02 9:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
in terms of heat flow, different materials have different rate of heat exchange with other substances

for simpicity, i would only explain this in conduction

The law of heat conduction, also known as Fourier's law, states that the time rate of heat transfer through a material is proportional to the negative gradient in the temperature and to the area at right angles, to that gradient, through which the heat is flowing:

Q is the amount of heat transferred,
t is the time taken,
k is the material's conductivity. (this generally varies with temperature, but the variation can be small, over a significant range of temperatures, for some common materials.),
S is the surface through which the heat is flowing,
T is the temperature.

!!!!!!!!!!!! see the letter 'k' ? is varies with different materials chosen

on the other hand, in CE phy, you've learnt different matter has different heat capacity
assume two matter (A & B), they have the same rate of heat exchange but have different heat capacity, so the rate of drop in temp is different

in conclusion, the rate of drop of temp. depends on the rate of heat exchange and heat capacity
these two factors varies with different materals chosen, so it is not easy to find two different materials which have the same rate of change in temp.
參考: me, partly form wiki
2007-08-03 9:01 am

Actually the answers for all your other questions regarding heat capacities are not really correct.

Heat capacities is temperature dependent. That means when u are asking the rate of heat absorbed or released, it is heat transfer.

Heat capacity and Heat Transfer is totally two different things.

The rate of heat transfer depends on a lots of other material properties such as thermal conductivity (k [W/mk]), Convective heat transfer cofficient (h [W/m2k]) etc

That means how fast the heat got transfer is not depending on heat capacity but the above properties.

Heat capacity is more for calculating the energy got absorbed or released.
參考: me
2007-08-02 9:17 am

吸熱方面, 黑色的物件比反光的物件 - 吸熱快. 因此, 夏天, 著黑色的衣服比著白色的衣服為熱.
散熱方面, 黑色的物件比反光的物件 - 散熱快. 反光的物件, 散熱慢. 因此熱水滸的內膽, 都是銀色的玻璃膽.

金屬 - 吸熱及散熱的速度快.
石器, 木器 - 吸熱及散熱的的速皴慢.

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