我該如何處理這case .?

2007-08-02 7:36 am
我有一個朋友是做傳銷商的,他為了籌人數,叫我把幫忙義務做他的會員,於是我很好人,幫他簽了一張申請方,寫上了我的姓名,出生年月,身份証號碼,通訊地址,簽名, 他叫我不要寫日期,及不需要填寫自動轉帳的戶口號碼,只需要戶口的簽名。我這樣幫他做傳銷商的會員,我是否有 風險?Usana的傳銷商是否一定要先付款后交易,而不得貸款?那我該如何處理這case .?

回答 (1)

2007-08-03 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Too risky. A business is a business. You are liable for any consequences as you have signed the form with your full private details and the form is undated. Unless you have studied and fully aware the implications of the terms in the form as far as your position is concerned, there maybe some terms that are unfavourable to you. You maybe obliged to do something to meet the requirements as an agent or else a penalty be charged on you. Go and ask your friend to return the form to you for detailed study and think of your position in this aspect then. You may, of course, get some assistance or further clarifications by calling Usana in respect of this membership thereof.

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