
2007-08-02 6:35 am
除左一d好長既叫法,如second elder sister之外,有冇d簡短得黎又好清楚咁表達到二家姐既英文??~~THX

回答 (5)

2007-08-02 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
In English grammar and culture, there is no seniority sister, either older sister and oldest sister, call them by the name, or just simply sister. There is no first, second ....... elder sister,
參考: I am a native English speaker
2007-08-02 4:47 pm
second oldest sister is formal

second sis
sis (if youre that lazy lol)
2007-08-02 7:44 am
外國人家人, 兄弟姊妹一般叫名字, 例如John, Peter, Mary等. 除非向朋友介紹才會講出關係, 兄弟都叫 brother, 亦甚少叫什麼 elder brother 或 young brother 之類. 姊妹都叫 sister.
2007-08-02 7:00 am
second sister 我家係咁叫^^

wish can help you
參考: me
2007-08-02 6:40 am
two sister ^_^

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