怎樣選擇 4/4 小提琴, 要注意那些事項, 因小朋友實際只有 9歲, 大概幾錢 ?

2007-08-02 6:11 am
怎樣選擇 4/4 小提琴, 要注意那些事項, 因小朋友實際只有 9歲, 大概幾錢 ?

回答 (5)

2007-08-02 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you ask me this question. There is no any answer is correct.

You know, 4/4 violin is not 2/1, 4/3 ......... It is the full size,we can use till we die or what.

So, my personal answer is buy a better one. Since I think if your son( or daughter) is want to play the violin as professional. You have to buy a better one for him. If better, I mean at least $5000 or above. But you just want to play for happy or just an interest. You can just buy a ... maybe $500.

Anyway. I want to tell you that violin can be very cheap but also can be really expensive. Like Stradivarius. It cost about 100,000 bucks.

I want to advice you something.

1. You can go with your violin teacher.

2. Or tell the violin teacher to help you to buy.

3. Ask your children whether or not he/she want to play for professional.

ok, here is my advice for you. If you have any question else. You can asked me:

[email protected]
參考: me
2007-08-05 11:12 pm

2007-08-05 15:14:04 補充:
參考: 自己
2007-08-04 10:24 pm
上yahoo拍買有$2000訂造小提琴,我試過出來的效果和音質比$5000的還好,二千蚊凱聲,solo string,hong kong string沒有什麼好貨色。
2007-08-02 7:43 am
你可以叫個miss同你一齊買,,or ask佢意見!!
之後可以轉d貴d靚d既.about幾千or above.
參考: 我學violin
2007-08-02 6:15 am
如果選擇 4/4 小提琴?

2007-08-01 22:18:38 補充:

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