如果我想攪一個for 450人o既dinner party, 請問有乜o野地方可以容納到咁多人呢?

2007-08-02 6:05 am
我想攪一個half to whole day o既Group function, 中午首先會係玩team building o既 mini game, 之後就係煩惱緊450人可以係邊度食飯lei?因為係公司function, 所以又唔可以太casual. 麻煩幫幫忙ar!!!

回答 (4)

2007-08-04 6:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, you need to c how many space you need for your team building. For 450 pax. I guest you can only do some gentle game, right? If not then you may need to find country club / Disney (貴D) / 康樂營(平 D)

For dinner, I guest you can consider in Hotel cause you can have better arrangement. Cost about $380-400 / head (HK side hotels). But for limited budget, you can do in local restaurant.

Hope can help.
參考: work experience
2007-08-04 12:54 am
I THINK 應該去食自助餐
參考: mE
2007-08-02 6:16 am
酒店 ^.^
2007-08-02 6:12 am

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