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2007-08-02 5:56 am
感謝你提供工作機會給我! 在這兩個月的暑假實習我的感受良多.

在這裏我結織了一班朋友, 他們每一個都隨和和主動, 故此很快便能融入成為一分子!很喜歡和他們工作, 因為不會感受到壓力, 只會感覺到一直在支持你. 他們每一個也是良師, 每當我遇到問題的時間, 也會詳細地為我解答, 有時還會花上整個小時教導我. 還會主動問我有甚麼事情想了解, 謝謝他們的用心!

記得初初上班的星期, 我感到十分意外! 我們只是這裏工作短短的兩個月,公司會提供訓練課程和field trip給暑期實習的我們. 在參觀的過程中, 有些同事會在旁講解, 豐富我對物流的知識. Erik and Xyron提供機會到warehouse參觀. 看到裝油袋(Flexitanks)的過程和了解去warehouse數貨的原因. 感謝提供一個難得的學習機會.在工作方面, 真意想不到和同事的工作是一樣的. 他們把每一個步驟也講解清楚, 有時會示範一次流程, 令我更清楚做法. 我學懂了每一份文件的性質. 出入口的文件傳遞和程序.

回答 (2)

2007-08-03 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Thanks for the working experience you have given to me. I was impressed by the two-month summer internship.

I have made lots of new friends here who are all very nice, proactive and easy to work with. I love working with them because they are always supporting me. Whenever I faced any difficulties, they were willing to solve the problems with me, though it may took them for more than an hour. Besides, they will, even, asked me if there is anything that I would like to know about. So, I really want to thank for their taking care of me.

I was shocked the first week when I started working there because the company provided me, a summer intern, training courses and field trips. During the field trips, there was a colleague doing all the explanation works and it really enriched my knowledge on logistics. Erik and Xyron had once taken me to the warehouse, as site visiting, to see all those operation procedures and to let me know more about the entire operating process in the warehouse. Moreover, I have learnt the nature of documents and the import-export documents transfer and procedures.Sometimes, they would explained each and every steps to me or may even demonstrated the whole thing to me.

Lastly, I would really like to thank all my colleagues again for their teaching me patiently.

2007-08-02 16:42:09 補充:
All by myself ^^" hope you like it.
2007-08-02 6:08 am
thank you for giving the working chance to me . In this two months, I have learnt a lot of things.

I have knew lots of friends here. All of them are nice. I can join them easily. I like working with them because there isn't any pressure. They always support you. All of them are kind and they always help for solving my problems when I need help. Sometimes, they would use a long thime to help me. Thanks a lot .

I felt suprised because our company provided training courses and field trip for us, who only work for 2months. in the progress of the visiting, i learnt more. Erik and Xyron provided chances for us to visit warehouse. I knew the progress of making Flexitanks and knew more about other things. I especially thanks for providing a precious learning chance.They told every thing and sometimes they do it once. It made me knew more about how to do it. I lave learnt many thing from it.

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