
2007-08-02 3:42 am

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2007-08-02 3:47 am
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About the Author
Born in New Mouse City, Mouse Island, Geronimo Stilton is Rattus Emerituas of Mousomorphic Literature and of Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. For the past twenty years, he has been running The Rodent's Gazette, New Mouse City's most widely read daily newspaper.
Stilton was awarded the Ratitzer Prize for his scoops on The Curse of the Cheese Pyramid and The Search for Sunken Treasure. He has also received the Andersen 2000 Prize for Personality of the Year. One of his bestsellers won the 2002 eBook Award for world's best ratlings' electronic book. His works have been published all over the globe.
In his spare time, Mr. Stilton collects antique cheese rinds and plays golf. But what he most enjoys is telling stories to his nephew Benjamin.

Note: The following biography has been taken out of the latest Geronimo Stilton book. Although it is copyright of Scholastic, I have read this on many other fan websites which were not forced to close down. But if you have a problem with this section, you are free to delete it.

Geronimo Stilton is a best-selling children's book series written by Geronimo Stilton. The original publisher is Edizioni Piemme of Milan, Italy. The English translation is done by Scholastic Corporation.

About the Series
In the series, the title character is a talking mouse who lives in New Mouse City on Mouse Island. A best-selling author, Geronimo Stilton works as a journalist for the fictional newspaper The Rodent's Gazette.
He has a younger sister named Thea Stilton, a cousin named Trap Stilton, and a favorite nephew, nine-year-old Benjamin Stilton.
Geronimo is a nervous, mild-mannered mouse who would like nothing better than to live a quiet life, but he keeps getting involved in far-away adventures with Thea, Trap, and Benjamin. The books are written as though they are autobiographical adventure stories.
The series originated in Italy and has become the most popular children's book series in that country. The books have been translated into 35 languages.
2007-08-03 1:27 am
謝 利 連 摩 ‧ 史 提 頓
他 慷 慨 、 仁 慈 、 大 方 、 敏 感 , 處 事 十 分 認 真 。
他 愛 吃 芝 士 味 的 朱 古 力 、 快 餐 、 垃 圾 食 物 , 對 於 辣 的 食 物 他 卻 避 之 則 吉 。
他 喜 歡 家 庭 生 活 , 不 喜 歡 冒 險 和 旅 行 , 但 他 卻 往 往 身 不 由 己 的 被 拉 去 旅 行 。 而 每 一 次 旅 行 , 都 是 一 次 笑 料 頻 生 、 意 外 迭 出 的 驚 險 歷 奇 。
他 並 不 是 傳 統 的 英 雄 角 色 , 他 怕 很 多 事 情 : 怕 坐 車 、 怕 坐 船 、 怕 黑 、 怕 高 等 , 但 每 當 困 難 臨 到 他 身 上 , 他 卻 會 利 用 其 分 析 力 及 敏 銳 的 觸 覺 解 決 問 題 。
他 出 生 於 老 鼠 島 的 妙 鼠 城 , 喜 歡 閱 讀 和 寫 作 , 他 創 辦 的 《 鼠 民 公 報 》 是 妙 鼠 城 一 份 很 暢 銷 的 報 紙 。 而 每 一 次 歷 奇 之 後 , 他 就 會 向 讀 者 提 供 一 本 妙 趣 橫 生 的 好 鼠 。
他 , 是 一 隻 老 鼠 , 是 《 老 鼠 記 者 》 系 列 的 作 者 , 也 是 書 中 的 主 角 。

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