有幾句 slogan~~ 唔知點譯好........

2007-08-02 2:41 am
可以幫我為以下句子翻譯ma ??

1. 銳孌拓展 視野前邁
2. 深入研究 應用社會
3. 堅守理念 並肩向前
4. 應用鑽研 回饋社會
5. 拓展領域 奮勇向前
6. 積極探研 棟樑基石

回答 (2)

2007-08-02 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.To reform and develop and look forward
2. To deepen our research and apply it to the society.
3. To adhere the principle and move together.
4. To make further study and give back to the society.
5. To broaden the domain and stride forward.
6. To study actively and become pillar of the society.

2007-08-03 6:53 pm
2. Research in depth Apply in width

3. To stick with your ideas To march on with the others

I can only think of these two ~ hope it can help

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