有冇人幫到我牙?? 我要今日之內要牙!! 就係要find three mistakes 係D句字到 幫我

2007-08-02 12:23 am
1 . John did not have enough time to finish answer all the question.As the result,he fails to passing the examination.
2.Mary is likes milk very much.Every morning she has milk on breakfast.Doctors often say that milk is good to health.
4.The tree at the entrance of the school have grew so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said yesterday that those trees must cut down.The workers come tomorrow to take action.

3.Pollution was the release of waste matter or energy into the environment by human activities so that it cause damages to living system.The government has various policies fight against pollution.

回答 (7)

2007-08-02 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 . John did not have enough time to finish "answering" (前面已有動詞, 要+ing) all the question. As "a" result (係片語), he fails to "pass" (有to係前面唔使+ing) the examination.

2.Mary (刪除is) likes milk very much. Every morning she has milk "for" (意解:當作) breakfast. Doctors often say that milk is good "for" (意解: 有益的) health.

3.Pollution "is" (唔係過去式) the release of waste matter or energy into the environment by human activities so that it "causes" (it之後動詞加s) damages to living system.The government has various policies "to" (已有has作動詞, 所以fight前要加to) fight against pollution.

4.The tree at the entrance of the school have "grown" (過去分詞) so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said yesterday that those trees must "be" (被動式) cut down.The workers "will" (將來式) come tomorrow to take action.

2007-08-01 16:50:01 補充:
1 . John did not have enough time to finish *answering (前面已有動詞, 要 ing) all the question. As *a result (係片語), he fails to *pass (有to係前面唔使 ing) the examination.

2007-08-01 16:50:20 補充:
2.Mary (刪除is) likes milk very much. Every morning she has milk *for (意解:當作) breakfast. Doctors often say that milk is good *for (意解: 有益的) health.

2007-08-01 16:50:38 補充:
3.Pollution *is (唔係過去式) the release of waste matter or energy into the environment by human activities so that it *causes (it之後動詞加s) damages to living system.The government has various policies *to (已有has作動詞, 所以fight前要加to) fight against pollution.

2007-08-01 16:50:52 補充:
4.The tree at the entrance of the school have *grown (過去分詞) so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said yesterday that those trees must *be (被動式) cut down.The workers *will (將來式) come tomorrow to take action.
2007-08-02 5:58 am
1 . John did not have enough time to answer all the question. As a result, he failed the examination.

2. Mary likes milk very much. Every morning she has milk for breakfast. Doctors often say that milk is good for health.

3. Pollution is the release of waste matter or energy into the environment by human activities that causes damages to living system. The government has various policies to fight against pollution.

4.The tree at the entrance of the school have grown so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said yesterday that those trees must be cut down.The workers will come tomorrow to take action.
2007-08-02 1:57 am
1 . John did not have enough time to finish answerING all the questionS. As A result, he failED the examination.
2.Mary likes milk very much. Every morning, she has milk FOR breakfast. Doctors often say that milk is good FOR health.
4.The tree at the entrance of the school have GROWN so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said yesterday that those trees must BE cut down.The workers WILL come tomorrow to take action.
3.Pollution IS the release of waste matter or energy into the environment by human activities so that it causeS damages to THE living system.The government has various policies fightING against pollution.

2007-08-01 18:01:14 補充:
2007-08-02 12:40 am
1 . John did not have enough time to finish/answer all the questions.As the result,he fails to pass the examination.
(一係就to finish, 一係就to answer, 唔係2個都同時用)

2.Mary is likes milk very much.Every morning she has milk for breakfast.Doctors often says that milk is good to health.
4.The tree at the entrance of the school have grew so much that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said that those trees must cut down yesterday.The workers will come tomorrow to take action.

2007-08-02 12:39 am
1 . John did not have enough time to finish* all the question.As the result,he fails to passing the examination.
2.Mary likes* milk very much.Every morning she has milk for** breakfast.Doctors ***say that milk is good to health.
4.The tree have grew so much at the entrance of the school** that they nearly block the entrance.The principal said that those trees must cut down the day before*.The workers will come*** to take action tomorrow .
*reported speech
**我諗呢句改成咁會smooth d
***simple future tense
2007-08-02 12:37 am
1 . John did not have enough time to finish answer all the question.As the result,he fails to (passing)pass the examination.

2.Mary (is)取消佢 likes milk very much.Every morning she has milk on breakfast.Doctors often say that milk is good (to)at health.
2007-08-02 12:27 am
1)to [passing]->pass

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