Runescape Armour

2007-08-01 9:33 pm
Which armour is the best?
(If haven't done Dragon Slayer yet)

回答 (5)

2007-08-05 5:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
it depends what is your combat stats and are you a member or not la

if you have 70 defence and 70 strength and you're a member the best armor is full torag (full torag melee def bonus --> 300++)

if you have 40 defence and you're either of non-member or member then full rune with chain lor

depends la, warrior armor gives the best defence against melee and ranger, ranger armor have best defence against magic, magic armor...... just a clothing to give you mage bonus -.-
2007-08-09 5:27 am
full rune(200k)
2007-08-04 11:25 pm
Warrior:full runechain160k

rune chain:40-45k
runefull helm:20-25k
rune leg:40-45k
2007-08-03 12:51 am
full wizard(g)!
2007-08-02 6:32 am
are you ask about 裝甲?if you ask about 裝甲,rune is the best 裝甲!! ^_^

2007-08-01 22:35:55 補充:
i don't know that can help you or not~if that can't help you,i am very sorry! -_-'''''''
參考: myself

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