✔ 最佳答案
我好口渴...有無水飲? / 邊度可以買水飲? i'm really thirsty, do you have any water? / where can i get a drink?
沐浴露,洗頭水 bath/shower gel, shampoo
牙膏 toothpaste
潤膚露,爽膚水 moisturizer, toner
磨砂((用於身體果d)) exfoliant
香味 fragrance
止汗濟,香體露 deodorant
棉花棒 cotton bud
空氣清新濟 air-freshener
化妝袋 make-up bag/case/purse
卸妝,卸妝水 removing makep-up, make-up remover
飾物 jewellery, accessories
手練,項鍊 bracelet, necklace
指甲油,洗甲水 nail polish, nail polish remover
紙巾 tissues
鬧鐘 alarm (clock)
黑頭,粉刺 blackheads, whiteheads
我想去XXXX,請問我應該點行? I want to get to xxx, how do i get there please?/ would you please show me the way?
我牙痛 my tooth/teeth hurts/hurt
我需要補習... i need some tuition
我喜歡有毛毛的東西 i like furry things
唔好意思,我聽日會遲d返黎~ i'm sorry, i'll come back tomorrow
因為我約左同學放學後系圖書館一齊溫書 because I'm meeting other classmates at the library to study
但我會系五點前返黎 but i'll be back before 5
可以嗎? is that ok?
我可否跟隨XX班上課?因為我想在這一年裏學習更多知識~並認識更多朋友~ Could i please join xx for his/her class? because I want to learn more in class and get to know more friends
我的學校需要穿校服嗎? does my school have a uniform?
我的數學已學到這個程度了/我的數學已教到這裏了 my math(s) skills are already at that level / i've learnt that in (math(s)) class already
我可以跟你們一起去嗎? Could i join you?/ Can I come with you?
這個飲品含有酒精嗎? Is this drink alcoholic? / Is there alcohol in this drink?
請問我可以去XXX的party嗎? Could i please go to xxx's party?
我需要去買一條適合出席正式場合的裙子參加party嗎? do i need to buy a new dress for this party? / what is the dresscode? (sounds better)
2007-08-03 13:29:29 補充:
i dont understand how hoho_lily below can say she came up with the answer herself when she blatantly copied and pasted it from me?? anyways i was just going add that 我牙痛 can be 'my tooth/teeth aches/ache' because like 頭痛/肚痛 (headache/stomach ache), the noun is a 'toothache'