
2007-08-01 9:05 pm
B.All of following sentences shouid be written in past tenes.circle the wrong verbs and fill in the blanks with the correct past form.Tick\\/if the verb is correct.

1.Dad buy a new television set.__ 2.thecutomers drinked two bottles of wine.__
3.Lastninght I read the novel unttiles of wine.___ 唔識打\\/打yes,格式如下

回答 (3)

2007-08-01 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
要用past tense嘅動詞用咗前後underline俾你睇:

1. Dad __bought__ a new television set. (因為老豆已經買咗部電視機, 所以用past tense - bought)

2. The customers __drank__ two bottles of wine. (同上, 飲咗啦嘛, drink 嘅past tense 係 drank)

3. Lastnight I __read__ the novel unttiles (?) of wine. (read 嘅 past tense 都係read)

所以第一二題都係錯, 只得第三題啱. 其實你可以查字典, 字典會話俾你知一個動詞嘅過去式.
2007-08-01 9:21 pm
題目話要用過去式, 全轉做過去式就可以la~
1. Dad bought a new television set.
2. the cutomers drank two bottles of wine.
3. XXXXX the verb is correct.
參考: me
2007-08-01 9:12 pm
1.Dad buys a new television set.
2.The cutomers drinked two bottles of wine.
3.Last night I read the novel unttiles of wine.
參考: myself

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