If 一個男 and一個女. They already married. But they have sex.

2007-08-01 4:41 pm
They both already married. But they both like each other. Sometime, they have sex What's you think? This girl really wants together with this man. But if they together, she knows that she may not have that rich as she lives together with her husband or maybe she needs to work another part time job

PS: SHE has 好多野都好過佢老婆. For example, she is university student. His wife may be finished high school Compare to her husband, he does not have good working experience and good education.


Refer to: fai000111333 . I am this girl. Refer to Kyle, I don't have children now. But he has ONE Son.

回答 (4)

2007-08-01 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
that a good question, you know marriage consist of responsibility and patient,
not just depend on how much husband can earn or the materialistic things can
give to the wife.

If the girl really love that man, she will not care whether they become rich or not.
Just take the real life example, many couple are married, but many of them are
not rich nd even poor. What make them still live together, is LOVE, love make them
come together and forgive each other.

Although they are not rich, but they live joyfully, such happiness may even cannot
find in a rich family,( i am the one that in a poor family, but i really satisfy my live
without materialistic substances)

Besides, having sex is the process of love, it can express the couple's love so

May i ask you : Is the boy =you?grab your chance and get your love ^.^
because it is so difficult to met the other half in the world
參考: me
2007-08-02 3:19 pm
I think you have to think of this throughly. Do you still love your husband? U wouldn't marry him if you don't love him, right? .. marriage is not about wealth, is about being with someone you love. If you love this man that you were talking about then you wouldn't even be thinking about your husband. Do what your heart said, but just keep in mind that, this man has one son already and ask yourself, if he was in your place would he give up his wealth to be with you?? Wish you the best!
2007-08-01 8:48 pm



參考: 自己
2007-08-01 5:45 pm
我諗首先你要攪清楚你自己想要什麼. 想要安定的優質生活, 定要冒險去同另一個男人一起.
1. 你對你husband係咪去到唔可以相處的地步? 有冇從你老公方面諗過? 2. 如果同另一個男人(B君)一起, 要考慮好多問題, 併唔係一起or not咁簡單. (當你自私,只想自己方面)
- 首先B君有冇此想法? 佢會唔會放棄老婆而同你一起?
- 如果佢肯, 又用不用比"善養費", 咁經濟會更困難.
- 佢家人朋友會唔會接受你? 最初可能愛情大哂, 耐咗你會唔會埋怨?
- 同埋最重要係你地有冇試過一起生活? 可唔可以適應大家不同的生活習慣, 人與人之間 的相處係個好大的學問, 不要以為喜歡佢就可以什麼都遷就忍讓.
- 至於有SEX, 呢d 睇安唔安全,同你過唔過到自己嗰關. 不過如果冇結果, 長痛不如短痛.
最後希望你能向各方面諗清楚, 因為影響到的不只你一人.

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