
2007-08-01 7:01 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-01 7:23 pm
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一般就唔得 ka 喇. 點都要去 land 左先. 之後再離境番香港. 跟住以後每次於離境限期內, 又一定要入番美國境 ka. 否則當你自動棄權. 咁當然, 如果你有足夠理據, 都可嘗試申請既. 如家人重病, 有人逝世之類. 總之係重要事項喇. 申請時帶齊一切証明文件, 醫生信之類去領事館提出延期要求 lor. 我親戚都試過延遲去 land 成功. 因家人重病. 加拿大領事館比佢延期左9個月先去.
2007-08-01 12:31 pm
No, I don't think so. There is thousands of people waiting for your visa, so I don't think you could do that. You could however, go to US, stay there until you get your green card mailed to you, apply for you SS card and wait for that to mail to you, it should take about a month, then you could go back to Hong Kong if you want given the fact that you do not stay longer than 6 months in Hong Kong.

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