
2007-08-01 6:19 am


回答 (5)

2007-08-01 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
"The children are doing a crossword puzzle about different body parts. Read the sentences and complete the puzzle." 跟住…點呢?我唔係好明喎!個D sentences 同埋 puzzle 响邊呀?

2007-07-31 22:31:36 補充:
Oh... sorry, 原來你字數有限…1.throat2.fingers3.teeth4.mouth5.nose6.hair7.face8.eyes9.lips10.fingers11.ears
參考: …
2007-08-01 7:00 am
1. mouth---口
2. finger---手指
3. teeth---牙齒
4. tongue---舌頭
5. nose---鼻子
6. hair---頭髮
7. face---臉子
8 eyes---眼睛
9. lips---嘴唇
10. hands---手
參考: me
2007-08-01 6:56 am
1. month (口)
2. fingers (手指)
3. teeth (牙齒)
4. tongue (舌頭)
5. nose ( 鼻子)
6. hair (頭髮)
7. face (面)
8. eyes (眼睛)
9. lips (唇)
10. hands (手)
11. ears (耳朵)
2007-08-01 6:34 am
1. mouth口
2. finger手指
3. teeth牙齒
4. tongue舌頭
5. nose鼻子
6. hair頭髮
7. face臉
8 eyes眼睛
9. lips嘴唇
10. hands手
參考: 自己
2007-08-01 6:27 am
1. mouth
2. finger
3. teeth
4. tongue
5. nose

6. hair
7. face or head
8 eyes
9. lips
10. hands
11. ears

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