eng questions

2007-08-01 5:10 am
You've heard that making phone calls over the Internet is cheap and easy. Now, for those of you who haven't tried it, no more excuses: Try Jajah. This is one of the smoothest, simplest, and cheapest ways to make Internet calls. Unlike Skype, it doesn't require downloaded software. You don't even need a broadband connection.
According to paragraph one, why is Jajah a good tool to make Internet phone calls?

回答 (1)

2007-08-01 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
C. Because it is quite an easy system to use.

Skype is a system which help making phone calls over the Internet is cheap and easy, but Jajh is far more easier than Skype.
參考: guess

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