
2007-08-01 5:03 am
1.is / at / Park / There / new / a / Road / cinema
2.when / a / helps / she / thinks / problem / trouble / Mary / has / doll / her / a
3.circus / went / with / we / ago / the / Two / my / to / parents / months
4.did / very / The / trick / well / magician / his
5.after / Jim / sister / Mother / look / asked / his / to / younger
6.her / Cindy / you / I / found / Can / tell / that / have / necklace
7.way / on / bike / Mike / on / already / was / his / to / his / school


回答 (1)

2007-08-01 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Re-arrange sentences as below:
1.is / at / Park / There / new / a / Road / cinema
Ans: There is a new cinema at Park Road.
(由於Park Road是大階capital letter,所以這是街名,非公園)
2.when / a / helps / she / thinks / problem / trouble / Mary / has / doll / her / a
Ans: 喱條等我諗諗...
3.circus / went / with / we / ago / the / Two / my / to / parents / months
Ans: Two months ago, we went to the circus (馬戲團) with my parents.
4.did / very / The / trick / well / magician / his
Ans: The magician (魔術師) did his trick (把戲) very well.
5.after / Jim / sister / Mother / look / asked / his / to / younger
Ans: Mother asked Jim to look after his sister.
6.her / Cindy / you / I / found / Can / tell / that / have / necklace
Ans: Can you tell Cindy that I have found her necklace (頸鍊)?
7.way / on / bike / Mike / on / already / was / his / to / his / school
Ans: Mike was already on his way to his school on bike (騎單車).
P.S.1 一看到大階,便可以好快咁擺佢喺頭,當然若有人名、地名的大寫,要思考下。
P.S.2 若有必要,要加番句中啲標點,重組句子時,一般連最末後的full stop都要自己加。
P.S.3 有主位subject,搵埋d動詞,當中加埋d連接詞(若有的話),再加埋副位object,大功告成...第2題稍後告知。

2007-07-31 22:17:35 補充:

2007-08-01 02:39:04 補充:
2.when / a / helps / she / thinks / problem / trouble / Mary / has / doll / her / aAns: Mary thinks her helps a trouble problem when she has a doll. (忘了helps也是名詞,所以消除了一個句子內不可超出一個動詞,文法上ok,不過意思上有d怪怪地。譯作......

2007-08-01 02:43:58 補充:

2007-08-03 21:09:44 補充:
Tks for Coco support! Actually, u hv no other choice.

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