
2007-08-01 4:20 am
I've received offer letters from Monash College and UNSW in Australia, both Bachelor of Business (Accountancy).
Monash: Diploma+ Year 2,3.
UNSW: 1/2 year Foundation+ Year 1-3.
By the way, I was given an offer of BSc Physics from HKUST. (i'm not quite interested)

Q1. Among UST in HK, Monash and UNSW, which should I choose?
Q2. Is the employment rate (for accountants) high in Australia? Will the problem of protectionism or discrimination in Aus prevent me from being employed?

回答 (1)

2007-08-06 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q1 UNSW is more famous
Q2 employment rate high, not enough professional accountant after the introduction og GST. No problem to get a job even if you are a chinese
參考: working in aus

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