
2007-08-01 2:48 am
我有20萬,想諗下點樣投資好,買保險、買基金定買股票好呢?我而家有買股票,回報都幾好,如果其他投資既回報無8% per yr,我諗我都唔會考慮。


回答 (3)

2007-08-01 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have invested in shares and funds in the last few years. My best return is actually from the funds.
My investment on Indian fund and chinese fund gave me 100% return in 2 years.
I think these 2 funds still look good at the moment, though I myself have withdrawn the principal back to invest on other funds, and just keep the profit growth in these 2 funds. If you can take risk, I also recommand you to invest in emerging fund and new energy (renewable energy) fund
2007-08-03 5:18 am

- 因為自己買股票, 多是買香港上市的, 但買基金可以買其他地方,

- 另外自己買股票也花時間, 又要看業績, 又要看年報, 你真的有這麼多時間嗎?

- 中國的股票泡沫已十分明顯, 泡沫爆破時, 香港也難獨善其身.

8% per yr 有好多基金都做到, 我投資宏行新興東歐基金, 三年就100%回報.

2007-08-02 21:20:00 補充:
我不是說買該基金一定三年有100%回報, 只是我自己的經驗分亨, 不要誤會.
2007-08-01 8:44 am
Hold the cash and wait the chance ----- purchase 003 Hong kong and China towngas company Ltd under $9.00 and hold the following 20---30 years forget the market up and down. $200,000 /$9.00=22,000 shares. the net profit growth rate about 15% per year
e.g. $200,000* (1+0.15) power 20=$3,273,000 plus divident $0.28/share/yr $123,200

good luck

參考: lawrence

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