Please Help..

2007-08-01 2:26 am
Hi, I want to ask, actually I had applied for Oasis airline for the FA and I had been waiting for more than 3 weeks already and haven't got their first interview call. Should I continue to wait? Can I re-apply again ? Please help me! Thank you very much.

回答 (4)

2007-08-01 11:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
千其唔好打電話去問.... 如果間公司覺得你適合既話, 就會聯絡你架喇... 你打去, 只會令到人地覺得你煩架咋....

其實三個星期, 唔算好耐..... 特別係甘泉, 人事部咁少人, 未必聯絡得切... 況且, 好多航空公司都會一批批咁interview, 好少一兩個咁架.... 因為training, medical check都會係一齊做架嘛~ 你再等下添啦~

如果兩個月都無消息既話, 你可以再寄信去.... 希望你成功啦~
參考: 國泰職員~
2007-08-03 8:29 pm
2007-08-02 8:34 am
ys , i agree give them a call
2007-08-01 7:48 pm
just for info.

the arrangement of oasis flight attendant recruitment is handled by a recruitment agency called IRC and the contact no. is 2338 8252.

1st interviewer may come from IRC or oasis personnel, 1 to 1 and no group discussion, and u need to fill in an application form.

wish u luck anyway!

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