
2007-08-01 1:22 am

回答 (2)

2007-08-01 1:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is just a language norm. Like in Chinese, we put Mr. or Ms. after the surnames, but in English we start with Mr. or Ms. You will not ask why in Chinese we start with the surnames first, right? Every language has its own course of development and there is no explanation.
2007-08-01 3:35 am
呢個係語言準則。 好似中文咁,我地會係姓氏o既後面加先生同女士,但係用英文我們就將先生同女士放係前面。 係中文裏面,唔通你會問我們點解把先生和女士放係後面?不會吧. 每種語言都有自己的規則,無得問點解架。

: )

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