公司email, 中文譯英文,急!!

2007-08-01 12:27 am
煩請回覆"the print paper"現在的情況及何時能交貨到我們工廠?

回答 (5)

2007-08-01 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
Pls cofirm the progress of the print paper and kindly advise the delivery date as well.

其實唔係好明您講 回覆"the print paper"係咩意思,只係直譯..
參考: me
2007-08-01 12:48 am
please reform us latest situation of the print paper and tell us when will you deliver the goods to our factory.
參考: me
2007-08-01 12:47 am
Dear XX,

Please let me know the situation of the print paper and the delivery date. Thanks.

Best Regards,

2007-08-01 12:36 am
Please advise the status of the "Print Paper" and when it will be delivered
to our factory.
2007-08-01 12:36 am
Dear sir,
Please note us the progress of "the print paper" and tell us when will you deliver the goods to our factory. Thank you for your cooperation.
Yours faithfully,

2007-07-31 16:37:54 補充:
yours faithfully, XXX is on the right, but my computer had some problem, therefore it's been left, formatically it should be on the right hand side

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