
2007-07-31 11:10 pm

回答 (5)

2007-08-01 8:49 pm
Can display individual strong point or use own wisdom to know helps the others; Today helps the others, tomorrow possible need others' help; Therefore each people all can respectively unfold manager, reciprocal benefit mutual benefit
2007-08-01 2:31 am
Can develop personal strength or make use of an own knowledge to help other people;
Helped other people today, may need the other people's help tomorrow;
Therefore each person can each exhibition bureau chief, mutual benefit.
2007-08-01 12:47 am

To demonstrate and to utilize one's strength, and to use my own knowledge to help others.

We are helping those in need today and we may need the help and support from others tomorrow.

So that everyone can contribute with his strength and knowledge, resulting in mutual benefit to all parties.
2007-07-31 11:55 pm
Can use the good things or mind to help people themself;
today you help others,may be you need help tomorrow ;
so that everyone can do their best to help others,and the other will help you too.
參考: My Mind~~
2007-07-31 11:14 pm
Can develop personal strength or make use of an own knowledge to help other people;
Helped other people today, may need the other people's help tomorrow;
Therefore each person can each exhibition bureau chief, mutual benefit.

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