
2007-07-31 7:06 pm

回答 (4)

2007-07-31 7:22 pm
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我有兩個朋友係city assoc year2, GPA過3(即係都above average), 經non jupas升左港大唔記得咩科 同科大電腦
又有一個朋友係poly讀HD, 但係重考A-Lv...好辛苦...都唔可以兩邊兼顧...最後由polyu HD geometrics 轉左去 第二個HD...(佢A-lv 好似兩次都係DDEE)

個人而言我建議你讀好個hd好d..如果係你興趣ge科, 你比返小小心機ge話, 讀完yr1 HD, 升yr1 Degree(同一間u) 都唔係難事, 我讀polyu computing, 都有同學係HDyr1, 升過來讀yr1, 但好多科佢讀左, 咁可以credit transfer, 變相讀小d科

轉唔轉到系我唔清楚...識親ge朋友non jupas都係升返related field
2007-07-31 7:35 pm

poly hd,其實成績係above average就可以了~只不過,盡量要係相類似的科目~差太遠的好難~
2007-07-31 7:30 pm
I will answer your question in accordance with your sequence below.

It well depends on your determination and time management. Please be realistic as there will not be any big leap forward on grades even though you will re-take AL.

HD to university can do. But Year 2 seats will be limited and keen competition.

Chances are very low to 0.01 unless you can get full GPA4 in Year 1 HD.

Yes, you can apply whatever subject or university after 2 years HD. However, past experience can tell Poly HD student will be accepted for Yr 2 degree provided they can have satisfactory CGPA. For example HD social worker in 2007. Offer has been granted by Poly social work degree with CGPA3.00

Please calm down and think about what you really want to do in the coming few years. There is an old saying "Every Road will go to Rome".
2007-07-31 7:10 pm

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