
2007-07-31 6:34 pm
when a number is divided by 6.the remainder is 2.
when it is divided by 9,the remainder is 5
and the remainder is 11 when the divided by 15.
what is the least value of this number ?


回答 (1)

2007-07-31 6:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Remainder 即係餘數, e.g. 6/4, 餘數係 2
a divided by b 即係 a / b

X 除 6 會 剩 2
X 除 9 會 剩 5
X 除 15 會 剩 11

依種數要用最大ge準則去試. 即係 X / 15 會剩 11, 因為咁樣試會試得小d, 如果用 "X 除 6 會 剩 2" 就要試 8, 14, 20, 26....

所以, 你而家要試26, 41, 56, 71, 86, 101, 116, 131...

自己試下啦. 學左個方法, 咁就係你架喇, 比答案你ge話你一世都唔識
參考: 我

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