
2007-07-31 7:49 am
1) 我個朋友個老豆生蛇,,想問下係食方面有咩要注意??[唔使講生蛇係咩黎..]

2) 我個朋友成日打麻雀,,搞到佢而家個頸椎痛,,請問點樣會冇咁痛同有咩要注意??

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我個朋友個老豆生蛇,,想問下係食方面有咩要注意 ===猪牛羊肉==抗體有营養好可有救
成日打麻雀,,搞到佢而家個頸椎痛,,請問點樣會冇咁痛 ===坐得多動作如常加上頸脊骨退化=====同有咩要注意=======停打牌==去○婢按摩椅坐一下鬆一下===會ok
2007-07-31 11:21 pm
1. There are some studies that suggest that people who eat less vegetables and fruits have higher incidence of developing zoster ("生蛇"), so your friend should have a good balanced diet with vegetables and fruits.

2. Rest, massage, compress with cold or warm pad. Be careful of posture when sitting will definitely help in the future.
參考: self

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