The university fee in UK

2007-07-31 7:45 am
I am holding the bristish passport (not BNO, it's the one for British citizen) My parents have a flat in the UK and also pay tax to the government but they live in HK. I want to know that whether I can pay local fee for the university. I'm currently doing my A-level in a boarding school and will proceed to year 13 next year.

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, Have you been studying in UK for more than 3 years by the time you go to University? or Have your parents own the flat and have been paying council tax to UK government for more than 3 years? If not, it is very difficult to apply as local student, even with British Citizen.

If you have stayed in UK for 2 years only, the only solution is to take a gap year (or work experience) to make up for the 3 years rule. Alternatively, some people decided to repeat Year 13.

Hope this helps.

2007-07-31 21:03:11 補充:
Agree with Freddy below to prepare worst case scenario for international fees. From my experience, the better universities like IC/LSE can still charge international fees, even you have been staying in UK for 3 years. This is because they can make more money from International students.

2007-07-31 21:04:40 補充:
Also, when you apply for courses, if you really have to pay international fees, advise to apply 3 years BSc/BA courses. Then on 4th year MSc/MA courses, you can then ask for local fees rather than international student fees.
參考: Myself - past experience.
2007-07-31 3:09 pm
First of all, you have to have a valid EU passport which you have.
That's ok

secondly , you have to be an ordinary residence in the UK or else where in EU for 3 years right before you're starting uni.
an ordinary residence meaning that your main purpose of living in the UK during that 3 years is NOT fully or mainly for education.
that means you have to show your parents or you have an address (your flat's will do) and also they are working here. (ie, paying income tax)

if you , at this stage, only have been living in the UK for 1 year, and you are doing your AL's next year, it is advisable that you take a GAP year working in the UK.
if you do so, some uni's may classify you as a local student.
but i still cannot guarantee you that you will be charged the EU/local tuition fee.
because simply your family arent living in the UK, therefore you are not strictly an ordinary residence in the UK.

so i would still advice you to prepare to pay the international fees. if you get offered to be classified as a local student thats great, but in the mean time, you should prepare for the worst.

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