
2007-07-31 7:38 am
1)陳蔚超醫生 九龍旺角彌敦道 688 號旺角中心第一期二十樓二零零八室 電話:2397-8678
2)何思遠醫生 九龍旺角彌敦道 688 號旺角中心第一期十樓一零零七室 電話:2380 7773
3)林學洵醫生 九龍彌敦道 301至 309 號嘉賓大廈十一樓1113A室 電話:2385 0303
4)徐仲弘醫生 九龍旺角彌敦道688號旺角中心第一期十三樓一三一七室 電話:2390 9038
5)沈偉翹醫生 九龍旺角彌敦道688號旺角中心第一期十六樓1603 室 電話:2390 7656

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think No. 3 Dr Lam is good. He's a very patient eye doctor and he can have very quick and accurate diagnosis of your eye problem. The consultation fee is reasonable, which is around $400 per visit. But I have to wait for a very long time, usually around 2 hours, because there're too many patients.

Other doctors may be good too, just that I have not seen them before.
2007-07-31 7:52 am
以上幾位我就冇睇過,但是這位係不錯的選擇DR Pak-Chin Chow ,周伯展醫生,龍旺角彌敦道 688 號旺角中心第一期1506室,電話:2391 8433 ,次次都好多人睇.


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