在香港, 有那些DBA課程? 幾時要報名?

2007-07-31 6:31 am
在香港, 有那些DBA課程? 幾時要報名?

回答 (1)

2007-08-05 1:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
既然你都讀 DBA, 不如我用英文答你個問題啦.

PolyU is the first university to offer a DBA programme in Hong Kong. You may refer to
However, you might miss the entry for 2007/08. You have to wait for next year or even 2009.

OpenU is the second university to offer a DBA programme. You may refer to

BaptistU will also start offering a DBA programme in the years to come. You may refer to
However, it is still subject to approval. There will be no admission for 2007/08.

There are other overseas universities which jointly offer DBA programmes with local institutions. A typical example is the Hong Kong Manangement Association. It offers DBA programmes in collaboration with Macquarie Graduate School of Management and also University of Newcastle. You may refer to

However, I do not prefer these kinds of overseas programmes because their local partner institutions are a bit commercial minded. Secondly, they lack a decent library. If you want to seriously study for a doctoral degree, you must need a decent library. A university library is what I mean by a decent library. I completed my MSc in PolyU and I was extremely happy with its library.

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