english questions

2007-07-31 6:06 am
The jumpers protested to the judge that they were jailed with people who were charged with crimes of harming other people, Hollar said. They said that jumping from a bridge should not have earned them a jail stay with people who were accused of more serious offenses. Hollar said the judge explained to them that the rangers were simply enforcing the law.

A. prisoners in jail thought the jumpers were very stupid B. the jumpers were threatened by the prisoners in jail C. the rangers weren't sure if the jumpers should be punished D. the jumpers didn't think they deserved to go to jail

回答 (1)

2007-07-31 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A is not correct <-- no information about it
C is not correct <-- since last sentence said that "rangers were simply enforcing the law"
D is not correct <-- the jumpers think that "they were jailed with people who were charged with crimes of harming other people" but not just "there were jailed", hence we know that they just disatisfied about jailed with some special people.

The answer should be B

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