english questions 1條 40 marks

2007-07-31 5:54 am
Four parachutists who illegally leaped from the New River Gorge Bridge were caught. National Park rangers discovered the jumpers Monday evening, after they parachuted off the 876-foot-high span. They were arrested after landing on a beach, said Duncan Hollar, an assistant chief ranger with the National Park Service.
when were the jumpers arrested?

A. They were caught after they finished jumping. B. They were caught right on the bridge. C. They were caught after they had been saved. D. They were caught when they bought the parachutes.

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
A. They were caught after they finished jumping.

2007-07-31 13:41:29 補充:
因為"They were arrested after landing on a beach"呢一句講明當佢地一著陸既時候,就被拘捕了.而係答案A入面既after they finished jumping正好符合呢句說話.
2007-07-31 5:57 am
tue morning

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