ultra vnc的問題

2007-07-31 1:18 am
我曾上過一個技術支援網頁, 之後係個網頁下載左一個file之後然後打開, 另外一邊的技術支援人員就可以控制到我部電腦, 我知道下載左的係ultra vnc client, 我想問下我要點set先可以set到?我試過下載ultra vnc, 不過唔識點做個exe檔出來俾人下載,之後俾我連去佢度。(即係點set個軟件可以俾我傳個file俾人,人地開左個file之後我可以控制到人地的電腦,而人地可以隨時關閉個連線)....感激萬分

回答 (1)

2007-07-31 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
我估你是說 UltraVNC SC (SingleClick)


UltraVNC SC is a mini (166k) UltraVNC Server that can be customized and preconfigured for download by a Customer. UltraVNC SC does not require installation and does not make use of the registry. The customer only have to download the little executable and Click to make a connection. The connection is initiated by the server, to allow easy access thru customers firewall.

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