
2007-07-31 1:00 am
{1}What is the difference between the highest and the lowest average temperatures?

{2}In which two consecutive months is the difference between the average temperatures greatest?What is the difference?

{3}If a pie chart is drawn to show the same data,what is the angle of the sector that represent the number of students who like art?


回答 (3)

2007-07-31 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 最高平均氣溫與最低平均氣溫相差多少?

2) 哪兩個相連的月份的平均氣溫相差最大? 相差多大?

3) 如果用一個圓形圖(pie chart)來表示同一組數據﹐代表“喜歡藝術的同學”(students who like art)那部份的角是多少度﹖

2007-07-31 06:00:46 補充:
剛剛發現我第三句打錯字... “students”應該係“學生”﹐唔係“同學”... sorry... 全句應翻譯為﹕”如果用一個圓形圖(pie chart)來表示同一組數據﹐代表“喜歡藝術的學生”(students who like art)那部份的角是多少度“ ^_^“

2007-07-31 06:01:19 補充:
另外﹐第三個問題問"what is the angle of the sector that represent the number of students who like art”...“sector” - 圓形圖中的一個部份“angle of the sector” - 那部份的角問題係問... ”WHAT IS THE ANGLE of the sector“﹐並非"what is the sector”﹐所以第一位嘅答案錯左... 大家都要小心留意呀^^
2007-07-31 9:38 pm
{1}What is the difference between the highest and the lowest average temperatures?
{1 }在最高的和最低的平均溫度之間的差別是什麼?

{2}In which two consecutive months is the difference between the average temperatures greatest?What is the difference?
{2 }在平均溫度之間的差別在哪連續兩個月大? 差別是什麼?

{3}If a pie chart is drawn to show the same data,what is the angle of the sector that represent the number of students who like art?
{3 }如果一張餅形圖被吸引顯示相同的數據,代表喜歡藝術的學生的數量的部門的角是多少?
2007-07-31 1:06 am
{1}What is the difference between the highest and the lowest average temperatures?

{2}In which two consecutive months is the difference between the average temperatures greatest?What is the difference?
那兩個相連的月份的平均氣溫相差最大? 相差又是多少?

{3}If a pie chart is drawn to show the same data,what is the angle of the sector that represent the number of students who like art?
如果以一個pie chart來表示這些數據, 那麼那一部份用來代表喜歡美術的學生?

2007-08-01 09:15:50 補充:
你好...art係學科名稱黎講, 應該係叫美術, 而唔係叫藝術!

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