english 剪報事宜..help..趕急!

2007-07-30 7:29 pm
我要做功課係英文剪報的, 但由於自己本身英文水平低, 找不到合適ge 文章, 想請大家幫幫忙, 搵一d 小5- 中1 都睇得明ge 文章俾我, 條件要係最近ge , 要列出文章來源(該份報紙and 日期)。 唔該哂!!!!! 趕急嫁

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 2:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
For The Standard Post

Yeung gives Chinese footballers a kicking

Friday, July 27, 2007

Hong Kong businessman Carson Yeung Ka-shing has warned China's football stars they must improve their attitudes to earn a move to England.
Yeung, 47, became Birmingham City's biggest shareholder when he acquired a 30 percent stake through investment firm Grandtop for 15 million (HK$240.85 million) earlier this month.

China captain Zheng Zhi, who had a six-month loan spell at English side Charlton last season, has already been linked with a transfer to the Blues since Yeung purchased his shares. But the billionaire believes many Chinese players are not mentally tough enough to star in England.

"China has some good players but I don't think they have the right attitude," Yeung said. "They stop progressing, they think too highly of themselves. I hope they improve so that I could form a team of 11 Chinese players in the Premier League."

Yeung is also itching to get his hands on the club."I want to complete the takeover as soon as possible," he told reporters on Thursday.

"We have a tacit agreement with the co-owners, I won't disappoint you."
參考: you can visit Sing Tao website
2007-08-02 6:18 pm
The Standard Post d 英文ok easy,
but 我記得明報有英文文章/news!!! 容易好多ga
不過south china d 英文 你睇睇下就明,仲可以令你d英文有進步tim!!!

2007-08-02 10:25:37 補充:
http://www.mingpaonews.com/20070802/ema1.htm ~明報個web sitehttp://www.syracuse.com/ ~有d english newshttp://www.scmp.com/portal/site/SCMP/ ~south china 個web site

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