邊個可以幫我中文變英文?唔該晒 ^^

2007-07-30 6:53 pm
我想D英文勁ger人幫我翻譯ar. . .

將以下翻譯成英文 la ~


就係上面3行字 la ~
thank you ^^

回答 (9)

2007-07-30 7:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Someone ever said that when a boy chase a girl, the things he did the most is wait.
2007-08-04 7:58 pm

Someone ever said that when a boy chase a girl, the things he did the most is wait.
2007-07-31 6:37 pm
A person once stated that "waiting" is what a guy does the most when he dates a girl
2007-07-31 1:58 am

Some one had said that when a boy chasing after a girl, the thing he'd done the most is ...wait... (patience)
2007-07-30 8:34 pm
There is a saying that when a guy is dating a girl, the most active activities is waiting.

someone says, when guys are chasing girls , they had to wait a lot for girls
2007-07-30 7:29 pm
Some have said, When a man pursuit a woman, waiting is what they do the most.
2007-07-30 7:05 pm
Someone had once told me that the thing you did most is waiting when a boy goes after a girl.
2007-07-30 6:57 pm

Someone has ever said:
As a man son pursues a woman ger time of young animal,
Made most ger,etc..
參考: ME
2007-07-30 6:57 pm
Having said before : a certain person.
It is: Most ger is done, connected, and waited for when one man's
child requests one woman's child ger.

2007-07-30 10:59:07 補充:
我想補充小小,{child requests one woman's child (ger)}個ger字係冇嘅

2007-07-30 11:01:57 補充:
仲有{It is: Most ger<呢個ger都係冇嘅

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