What's mean "Monday Blue"

2007-07-30 6:40 pm
請問Monday Blue即係點解?

回答 (4)

2007-07-30 8:05 pm
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Blue本來是一種怨曲,由美國黑人始創;Monday Blue的意思係星期六日過後,星期一要返工,心情自然未完全投入,心情多少會有點唔靚,冇心機...
2007-07-30 8:36 pm
2007-07-30 7:20 pm
It is described that people feel moody when they get back to work after the weekend. The meaning of the blue means moody and depressed. It is how the color affects people emotion.
2007-07-30 6:51 pm
Weekend 過後,沒有上班的心情,憂鬱的星期一
Blues 是一種音樂,聼來憂鬱

2007-07-31 15:46:40 補充:
總言之Monday Blue為週末過後,到星期一覺得好冇mood的意思。

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