
2007-07-30 6:32 am
我想問酒店早餐d炒蛋係點煮, 有d似老麥早晨全餐的炒蛋, 但多好多蛋汁同埋滑好多的.

回答 (3)

2007-07-31 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
的確係加奶會滑啲 , 我以前讀書係教3份旦 1份奶 , 調味就個人喜好啦 , 同埋唔應該燒紅隻鑊 , 一落就老晒喇 , 用易潔鑊加油先開火 , 油開始熱就落旦 , 再慢慢攪至你想要嘅生熟度就得喇
參考: 廚子
2007-08-05 2:43 pm
Perfect Scrambled Eggs - This recipe serves 2 hungry people.

6 large eggs
6 teaspoons (1 teaspoon for each egg) low-fat milk
3 dashes of salt (1 dash for every two eggs)
1 Tablespoon butter for frying

Heat a large non-stick frying pan to a setting just above medium. A 12-inch pan works well for 6 eggs. Do not add butter yet. We just want get the pan ready.

In large metal or glass mixing bowl, whisk the eggs with the milk and salt. Beat vigorously for 2 minutes.

Alternatively, you can place the eggs, milk and salt in a blender and blend for 20 to 25 seconds. Allow the mixture to set for a couple minutes to let the foam settle.

Melt the butter in the frying pan. As the very last of the butter is liquefying, add the egg mixture.

Do not stir immediately. Wait until the first hint of setting begins. Start the Martha Stewart scrambling technique ("Using a spatula or a flat wooden spoon, push eggs toward center while tilting skillet to distribute runny parts.")

Continue this motion as the eggs continue to set. Break apart large pieces as they form with your spoon or spatula. You will come to a point where the push-to-center technique is no longer cooking runny parts of the egg. Flip over all the eggs. Allow the eggs to cook 15 to 25 seconds longer. Transfer eggs to serving plates. Add salt and pepper to taste.

A note about milk and water: Soy milk works effectively in the recipe. Whole milk lends an overly milky taste to the eggs. No-fat milk and water can both be used in place of the low-fat milk but the creamy texture of the finished product is reduced.
2007-07-30 7:04 am
打蛋fak蛋後加d奶等佢滑d但唔好太多, 再加少少salt同鬼佬pepper就落獲
for example, 一隻蛋落大概2湯匙奶
方法: 等d油熱隻獲燒紅就放蛋漿.....大概10-20秒後熄火輕輕炒熟就得....想多d蛋汁就要快d炒完快d離獲
p.s 通常落好多油等佢冇甘痴獲.....

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