
2007-07-30 4:53 am
我可以做啲咩...?愛上她差不多一年了,我絕不只是純粹傾慕,真的!!好認真的愛她..我感覺到...她是知道的,她也有常和我有eye contact,我哋對大家都好好...我觀察咗佢好耐,我feel到佢有好感的,只是不說出來罷了,,,,她當然不會說啦.....佢有時聽啲同學話我中意第個女仔,佢會借機會試探下我...
依家放埋暑假,好想聯絡佢,,,但又知唔得,啲朋友個個有得send msg同msn,,我依家連同佢講句嘢都冇途徑...=(


回答 (5)

2007-07-31 3:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if u sure, she noticed that you like her, and u can feel she has a lil good feeling on you and 佢會借機會試探下我 too. that means u have pretty good chance.
I suggest you to go ahead, "feeling" & "love" shouldn't restricted or limited by age, environment, people or anything. Thats TRUE LOVE.

Just go ahead and ask her to have number or msn. Dont ask someone else to help you or ask someone else to have her contact information. Be a brave man. I dont know how old you guys are, but i think she must be an adult. And you need to see and treat yourself as an Adult too, so u gotta be brave. Onceagain, If she really has good feeling on you, she wont reject you, plus she is your teacher. And a student has more interactions with teacher is a good thing. But what topic the interaction is? Who knows? So, the next move is yours.
Good Luck
參考: If u need someone to talk to, i will be here, let me konw.
2007-08-01 3:00 pm
If you really like her than wait for the next semester to begin and tell her how you feel about her.
2007-07-30 9:15 pm
如果你地拍左拖校內的人知道左,肯定比人傳嫁,不過如果你夠膽的可以問佢拿下電話or msn的。真係好大膽嫁,吾好後悔
2007-07-30 5:05 am
你試下打去your school到問佢拎,
2007-07-30 5:00 am

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