share split /consolidate

2007-07-30 3:35 am
Hi, could anyone tell me how share split/consolidate affect share price? e.g. New Centry group 234.

Thanking you in advance.
I do read Chinese only that I dont know Chinese processing

回答 (1)

2007-07-30 7:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Theoretically, share split and share consolidation will not affect the share price.
Just take an example. Suppose you have one-tenth of a melon. No matter how many pieces you cut a melon, your share will not be different as long as your share is unchanged.
你持有 4,000股234 ,由於1拆4,由原來4,000股,變成16,000股,若股價原本$1,拆细後便等如$0.25 ($1 ÷ 4)。
但股民心理很奇怪,認為細價股好炒啲,所以有時股份拆細後,股價會上升,或股民有良好願望 (wishful thinking),認為股份拆細代表大股東會有後著,所以投機買入。故此有時股份拆細會令股價莫明奇妙地上升,令人費解!

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