Pardon Me

2007-07-30 12:35 am
為甚麼日常生活中很少聽人講pardon me(多數在電話講)呢?
但它的意思是同i am sorry一樣嘛!

回答 (5)

2007-07-30 1:02 am
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" pardon me" is mostly used in UK, though it is a popular and highly polite in tone, "pardon" comes from French and the phrase is not informal.

In USA frequently is used "I'm sorry", "excuse me".

generally, i think the saying "i am sorry" is more common and direct so most people use it in, especially in HK.

"pardon me" is more polite way of expressing an apology. Foreigners use the term more.
2007-07-30 7:56 am
pardon me係原諒我,一般都係用i beg your pardon
2007-07-30 7:26 am
Pardon me, sorry and excuse me. 都係"唔好意思" o甘解
2007-07-30 12:45 am
"Pardon me" or "Pardon" is formal English. i.e. The written way. And it is British English. Some Austrlians may also use it.
However, usually in oral English, British, particularly young British, and also Americans would say "Excuse me!", "Can you repeat it?" or "Please say again."
2007-07-30 12:39 am

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