
2007-07-30 12:30 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-30 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Take the lift to the 1st floor. Turn right and keep straight to the escalator. Down you go and a few steps on your right for another escalator. Down again and turn left. There you see the MTR station.
lift = 升降機、 (垂直升降)
escalator = 扶手電梯(斜坡爬上爬落)
elevator = 垂直升降台 (冇圍欄的,母艦的戰機用大型升降台, 演唱會用的是小型升降台)
參考: common sense only
2007-07-30 3:12 am
You take lift to fall to the first floor, after paying lift become right to keep going all the way you meet arm-rest elevator, after take arm-rest elevator to fall to become again right to keep going several step, you meet the side of your right hand and have arm-rest elevator, after again take arm-rest elevator to fall go to again become left, is a subway station!
參考: me
2007-07-30 12:41 am
Take the lift to the 1st floor. Turn right and walk until you see an escalator. After you go down by the escalator, you will see another escalator a few steps on your right. Go down by the escalator again then turn left. The MTR station would be right there.

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