
2007-07-30 12:18 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-30 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
tense 主要分為幾種~
現在式- simple present tense (verb) I / you/ they唔洗加s, He/ she / it 要加s, 因為係third person singlar, 第三身單數
ex: I go to do shopping everyday.
點解會用go, 咩都唔洗轉呢, 因為這是true for long time 或者all time 既事實, 不會變改的,又或者人地問你, where are you from? 一定是答i m from hk, 而唔會係 i was from hk, 因為你係香港人,永遠都係, 唔會改變的. 所以就用現在式.

過去式- simple past tense (verb, past tense)
ex: I went to the beach with John just yesterday.
呢個比較易明, 因為是以經發生的事, 所以要用past tense, 但係通病就係一般人都比較懶, 唔肯背時式表, 有d 動詞後面唔一定係就咁加ed, 呢個要你自己研究一下了

現在進行式- present continous tense (is am are + verb + ing)
ex: What's john doing down there? Oh, he is repairing his bike.
呢個都係比較易明, 只係用係動作進行中既時候. 但係~~ 一般人都會忽略佢重有另一個用法, 就係present continous tense 亦都可以意味將來以經預料會做的事
ex: Hei, Mary, i just wanna tell you i am going to john's house to stay overnight next Sunday, can i?
這是你原本以經計劃好的事, 將來亦會發生.

過去完成式- past perfect tense (had+ pp)
ex: When i came back home, John had cooked tea already.
呢個時式你要用一把間尺方便自己啦~ 尺中間代表現在~now, 前少少就係過行式past tense, 再前d 就係past perfect tense 啦, 點解呢, past perfect tense 係一定用黎說明比過去更早發生既事情, 像剛剛的例子, 當我回到家, John 以經煮好茶.

過行進行式- past continous tense (was were + verb + ing)
ex: What were you doing at 8 last night? oh, i was taking shower
呢個係用係過去某段時間, 發生緊既事情, 不是太難的

現在完成式- present perfect tense (has, have + past participle)
ex: How long have you been in Australia? Oh, i have been in here for 2 years already.
呢個時式係用係從過去發生到現在, 而將來亦都會發生既動作, 就像例子, 你來了澳洲多久? o~我宜經來了這裡兩裡了, 當然, 我會繼續係澳洲, 所以就要用present perfect tense 啦.

現在完成進行式- present perfect continous tense (has, have + verb + ing)
ex: How long have you been smoking for? eh~~ i hav been smoking for a year already.
呢個時式同現在完成式非常相似, 但係當你明白到呢個時式既時候, 你會發現那一個比較貼切, 基本上, 你答i have smoked for a year already, 都係冇問題的.
Future tense- 將來式 (will + verb)
將來式明顯是用黎說明將來會發生既事, 但係, 將來式跟現在進行式的意思卻有所不同~
ex: john dropped down his pencil carelessly, and he was gona pick it up, but suddenly, i said, i d pick it up for you, which mean john didn't expect me to pick up his pencil for him.
意思說明了~ 將來式亦意味著不是本人預期會發生的事或動作.

2007-07-30 12:42 am
參考: me
2007-07-30 12:27 am
Simple present tense
present continuous tense
present perfect tense
Simple past tense
past continuous tense
past perfect tense
Simple future tense
future continuous tense
future perfect tense
present perfect continuous tense
past perfect continuous tense

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