
2007-07-30 12:12 am

* We(這個we代表己方) are one of the big wholesalers of leather products, and we make leather goods, such as gloves, suitcases and handbags. I am here to see whether we(這個we代表己方及對方) can build up our business.

咁寫係咪有矛盾? 呢句點可以改得好d?

回答 (2)

2007-07-31 12:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
in business communication, try to use specific term or name , not to use he, she, it, them, we, etc.

I would change to:

Our company (or use company's name directly) is one the the leading wholesalers in the leather product industry. Our company has wide range of products, such as gloves, handbags, and other leather products. I would like to seek the oppountunity to establish a business relationship with your comapny (or use their company's name directly)

hope can help
參考: myself
2007-07-30 12:21 am
We are one of the leading manufacturers and wholesalers of leather products in China. We have wide range of products, such as gloves, suitecases and handbags. I'm glad to introduce ourselves and seek opportunities to build up business relationship with your good company.

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